Spring is a welcome reprieve from the long Colorado winters — that is, unless you suffer from spring allergies. You don’t, however, have to suffer inside your home. For starters, you and your HVAC technician can provide relief by making sure the air filter, humidifier and air ducts (all key components that contribute to your indoor air quality) are in great shape.
Here are 8 solutions to alleviate spring allergies:
Clogged air filters cause your air conditioner to work harder — increasing the risk of a breakdown, shortening its useful life, and raising your energy bills. They also contribute to poor indoor air quality. Dust and debris that is normally filtered out of your air is recirculated. Pet hair, household chemicals, paint, and even carpet and furniture can contaminate your air as well. When your air filtration system isn’t working properly, the negative effects of these irritants is compounded. Poor indoor air quality can lead to allergies, asthma and other respiratory illnesses that can seriously jeopardize your health. Change your filter once a month and you and your family will breathe easier.
You can ease the burden on your HVAC system and help your air stay cleaner by eliminating some of the dirt, dust and debris that gets into your home. Regular dusting and vacuuming reduces harmful allergens, dust and mites. Look for a vacuum that uses HEPA filters.
As you take steps to protect your indoor air quality, this will keep dust, pollen and other pollutants from getting into your home.
Humidity (the amount of water vapor in the air) varies by location, climate and time of year. High humidity contributes to the growth of mold and bacteria. Low humidity (overly dry air) contributes to dry, itchy skin, throat and nasal passages and can make you more susceptible to colds and flu. The level of humidity in your home is largely a personal preference and can be balanced with the use of a humidifier.
A whole-house air cleaner works with your HVAC system but goes beyond your HVAC air filters to remove contaminants from your air. Air cleaners trap particles as small as a human hair and work 24/7. They also prevent dust from building up, so you don’t have to clean as often.
Dust and dirt (among other nasty things) can get trapped in your air ducts and contribute to poor indoor air quality. Have your ducts cleaned to prevent those particles from re-entering your living space.
Opening doors and windows lets in fresh air, but also allergens and dust along with it.
Your HVAC technician knows what to look for and can recommend the solutions that are right for your home.