If you do not think your heating and cooling system is doing an adequate job of cleaning and purifying the air inside of you Denver, CO home, you might consider purchasing a portable air cleaner. The purpose of a portable air cleaner is to clear dust and allergens from indoor air. This can be highly beneficial to people who are sensitive to these types of particles that might exist within your home’s air. A portable air cleaner is an efficient appliance that can make a dramatic difference in the quality of your indoor air. While a Denver, CO HVAC system is designed to clean your indoor air as the air passes through it, a portable air cleaner can help create a completely pollutant-free home.
Here are some of the most common questions about portable air cleaners and how they can assist a Denver heating and cooling system in creating a pure indoor air environment:
Is a portable air cleaner expensive to run? A portable air cleaner is typically not overly expensive to run.
Does a Denver heating and cooling expert have to install a portable air cleaner? No, a portable air cleaner is an appliance that can be purchased from a hardware store. Once inside of your home, it must be plugged in to an outlet, and turned on. It’s simple. And, a portable air cleaner can be moved from one room to another.
Can a portable air cleaner remove pollutants from more than one room at a time? A portable air cleaner is designed to clean the air within a specific space. Therefore, it can usually not clean more than one room at a time.
Is a portable air cleaner loud? Some portable air cleaners are louder than others. If possible, turn on different portable air cleaner models in the store before buying one. That way you can hear the noise that each one creates before making your selection.
Do you have to clean a portable air cleaner? The cleaning requirements of a portable air cleaner vary by make and model. Make sure to understand the cleaning requirements of the model you are thinking of purchasing.
Can a portable air cleaner remove every type of air pollutant? Not all portable air cleaners are capable of removing every type of particle from the air. Make sure to review an air cleaner’s capabilities before making a purchase.
How does a portable air cleaner compare to a whole house air cleaner? A portable air cleaner is smaller and less powerful than a whole house air cleaner. A whole house air cleaner is installed within your Denver heating and air conditioning system.
Which is more expensive – a portable air cleaner or a whole house air cleaner? In most cases, a portable air cleaner is less expensive than a whole house air cleaner.
If you are concerned about the quality of your home’s indoor air, make sure to have a discussion with your Denver, CO HVAC company. It might make sense for you to invest in a whole house air cleaner. Your choices are numerous, and you want to make sure you make the best possible decision