Geothermal installations for heating and cooling take advantage of cutting-edge technology, capitalizing on the relatively constant temperature under the surface of the earth to heat and cool your home through a series of underground pipes, called a loop.
If you’re thinking about installing a geothermal system, you might be wondering: Do I have enough room on my property for a geothermal installation? Will my landscaping interfere with the “loop field”? And is my soil conducive to the undertaking?
Most homeowners considering installing a geothermal system face a choice between two closed-loop systems: a horizontal loop or a vertical system. Each holds the promise of minimizing your reliance on fossil fuels and reducing your energy bills by between 25 percent and 50 percent.
With a closed-loop system:
With a vertical loop system:
In addition to the size of your property and the layout and complexity of your landscaping, you also must consider the location of underground utilities or a sprinkler system. For these and other reasons, horizontal ground loops are often used for new construction unless the “Slinky method” of looping pipes is used. As the name implies, this method allows for more pipe to fit in a shorter trench. Vertical loops are most often employed for existing construction.
Geothermal installation is a complex process that requires an experienced contractor who knows his or her way around a loop field. Contact the Rheem Pro Partner to get started. Serving areas of Colorado and Wyoming, we’re happy to help.
Geothermal image via Shutterstock