Every year, residents transition from running the heater every day to switching on the AC to keep it cool. All winter, your air conditioner has lain dormant, gathering dust, waiting for warm weather to return. Before you switch your AC back on to full power, it might be a good idea to schedule a spring HVAC tune-up.
Prepare Your AC System for Hot Weather
This special time when the weather is pleasant enough to throw open the windows is the perfect opportunity to put your heater away for the summer and make sure your AC is ready for some serious cooling before the first heat wave. Rheem Pro Partners can make sure your HVAC is ready for the season change with professional maintenance services that will put your heater to bed the right way and ensure your AC is fresh for a stellar summer performance.
You know that dust builds up on an HVAC system when it goes unused. That’s the “burnt dust” smell when you turn on your heater for the first time in the late fall. The same thing happens to your HVAC, but the dust sticks to the cold coils, reducing its efficiency for the entire summer, instead of toasting away. This is why it’s important to get your AC spring tune-up and cleaning.
When an HVAC professional opens up your AC to wipe away all the dust and check the quality of the parts inside, they are ensuring you enjoy better air quality and energy efficiency all summer.
You play an important part in getting your AC ready for the summer, as well. Homeowners should consider AC maintenance to be a useful way to keep the summer power bill low and enjoy an efficiently cooled house during the warm months.
Here’s what you can do:
Keep your air filter clean. If you have a re-usable air filter, hose it out at least once a month. If you have a disposable air filter, be sure to swap it out monthly so that your filter doesn’t become clogged. A clogged filter will reduce your HVAC efficiency.
A spring HVAC tune-up is exactly what your air system needs when the seasons change. An HVAC technician from Rheem Pro Partners will clean your HVAC coils and the inside of the unit so that it is dust-free, check the evaporation pan and drain line, test the blower fan, and inspect the wiring.
They can also prepare your heater for a long summer sleep by cleaning it and checking the wires to ensure the furnace will not take any damage and will turn on reliably when cold weather later returns.
Take good care of your HVAC system and it will take care of you. Your heating and cooling units are what ensures that your Denver home stays cozy with good air quality and even airflow all year round, no matter the tempearature outside. The HVAC also determines the size of your power bill and your comfort in the home.
An HVAC that is regularly maintained will provide a steady flow of cool air all summer long. Clear ducts, clean units, and reliable wiring can lead to more even air distribution around the house so you can fully enjoy your space.
A well-tuned AC needs less power and less air to accomplish the same job as an old leaky HVAC. Your HVAC will need much less ‘juice’ when its wiring is new and its cooling functions are working properly, even many years after the initial installation.
Your HVAC also determines your power bill. Cooling can equate up to 40-60% of money spent on utilities in the summer. When your HVAC works too hard, it uses electricity, while maintenance can ease that burden and save you money.
As the first waves of summer heat hit, many families switch on the AC for the first time. If you sense something is wrong or want to take care of a tune-up first, Rheem Pro Partners will be proud to visit and inspect your AC situation. We’ll perform a routine maintenance service and let you know if anything needs to be worked on before you rely on your AC for everyday cooling.
Contact us today to schedule a visit for your HVAC spring tune-up immediately.
Image Credit: JP WALLET – shutterstock