Tips & Resources

School's Back in Session. Is it Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner?

While Mother Nature begins the process of winding down, the start of the school year brings its own sense of energy and activity. Chances are, with new schedules and commitments, and temperatures beginning to dip, you aren’t wondering if it is time to replace your air conditioner. But, here’s why you should.

More availability.

In the cooler months, demand for air conditioner installation drops significantly. With fewer buyers to work with and schedule, professionals have more time to spend with you and answer your questions. As a result, you can be sure you are getting the best equipment for your needs and that it is installed properly. Scheduling at your convenience is much easier. You can even schedule installation in advance, giving your installer the opportunity to make specific recommendations for your home that maximize efficiency and performance unique to your home.

Better pricing.

Buying now can save you money. Lower demand means HVAC companies are likely to offer lower prices on their services. Manufacturer rebates typically pop up in the fall as well.

The luxury of time.

So often we make major purchases in emergency situations – something breaks when we need it most and we don’t have time to do proper research. By addressing your air conditioning needs in the off season, you give yourself the luxury of time to research your options and make an informed decision, rather than rushing into a purchase that may not be right for you simply because you need something.

Temps can remain high.

Even in September, temperatures can be in the 90s. While you may already be thinking about the cooler weather that’s coming, you could very well still be using your A/C. If it is not working properly and you are anticipating needing a new one next year, you can address those needs now and have a functioning system while you still need it this year.

Avoid repair costs.

Repairing an older air conditioner to get you through the end of the season may not make economic sense. With all the advantages of shopping for a new unit now, you could be wasting money by paying for repairs now, and waiting until spring or summer to buy a new unit.

If your air conditioner is not cooling your house properly, your HVAC professional can determine the cause, and advise you on replacing your system.

The experts at Rheem Pro Partner are ready to help. Call us today!